Wednesday, May 14, 2014

I'm back!!!

I know, I know, without notice I just dropped off the face of the earth. Sorry. While life is very busy, the real reason I stopped posting was because I stopped taking a photo a day.

I had a hard time taking even one photo from my phone per day. My blog was boring because I was resorting to posting the same old things. So I thought I'd take a break.

But then yesterday I got a comment from My Wells of Fancy and she liked my idea of blogging a photo a day and she wanted to do the same thing. So I figured maybe I should give it another shot!(Pun intended). And so since Spring has sprung I think it is the perfect time to start photographing the Snippets of My Life again. Check out Donna from My Wells of Fancy's new blog, Snapped This.

BTW, today's shot is of La Qchara in Melrose, Massachusetts. A fave coffee hangout of mine. I met a realtor friend for coffee this morning. Love the décor in the place. My photo certainly does not do it justice.

I am going to look at my surroundings tomorrow and take a shot at something wonderful. See you all in the evening.

1 comment:

  1. Yay!! Glad to see today's pic! This looks like a wonderful coffee house! Thank you for inspiring me and for the blog shout-outs!...I look forward to seeing what tomorrow brings for both of our lenses. ~ Donna
